Community Empowerment Project (CEP) - Manikganj (Phase II)
Location: High School Road, Upazila Sador, Daulatpur, Manikganj-1860
Donor: ADRA Sweden/SMC
Direct Beneficiaries: 1000 (Households)
Indirect Beneficiaries: 4000
Total Beneficiaries: 5000
Project Duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026
Total Budget: BDT 4,48,64,299.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 25/09/2022
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No. : 03.07.0000.657.68.07.22-725
Project Goal:
Bangladeshi communities overcome poverty through improved livelihood, socio-economic, healthy, and disaster-resilient living conditions by the end of project intervention (2023).
Key Activities:
Self-help Groups/Samiti formation and registration
Develop awareness of health and literacy
Enhance capacity on need-based IGA
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
Transfer agriculture technologies
Adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)
Encourage organic farming
Develop a linkage with the government
Observe related national and international days
Early warning dissemination/resilience
Staff capacity building
Follow up Phase-out areas
Monitoring & evaluation of the programs/project interventions
Conduct a baseline survey
Mid-term/End-line Evaluation
A quarterly follow-up visit in the project phase-out area
Conduct the audit of the Project Finance
Monthly staff coordination meeting
Project Description:
Manikganj is a district in the central region of the country with a major river cutting through it. It comprises an area of 1,383.66 km (534.23 sq mi), bounded by Tangail District on the north, Dhaka District on the east, Faridpur, and Dhaka districts on the south, the rivers Padma, Jamuna, and the districts of Pabna and Rajbari on the west. The main rivers are the Padma, Jamuna, Dhaleshwari, Ichamati, and Kaliganga. Manikgonj is more vulnerable to various natural disasters. For these rivers, Flood and Riverbank erosion are common phenomena in this area. Manikganj District has a population of 1,274,829; 51.16% male and 48.84% female; the population density is 2582. Among the peasants, landless 23%, marginal peasants 29%, were small peasants 25%, intermediate 18%, and 5% rich. Average literacy is 26.9% (male 33.7% and female 20.1%). Manikganj had been selected as the work area because the area is frequently affected by floods. Most of the people in this area are vulnerable to flood and experience loss due to floods.
The Manikganj area is one of the most vulnerable areas to the effects of climate change. Floods occur recurrently almost every year often followed by riverbank erosion. Due to the effects, living in the area and livelihoods are very challenging. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is one of the main focuses of the CEP in Manikganj, including embankment farming and tower gardening to help the farmers to farm during flooding times. Using CSA, farmers are currently able to grow vegetables all year round in low-lying areas. The project also provides training in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), vermicomposting, and various income-generating activities (IGAs).
Currently, 663 people from the target population are involved in diverse IGA activities, and 278 people are using organic fertilizer and inspiring other neighbors to minimize the use of chemical fertilizer. Furthermore, the project continuously provides various training and sessions to the target community members to maintain good health. To assist a pregnant mother in the early stages of labor, the project facilitates Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) training for the targeted CBO members.