Community Empowerment Project (CEP) - Khulna (Phase II)
Location: Ward # 4, 5, 6 & 7 of Tildanga Union, Upazila: Dacope, District: Khulna
Donor: ADRA Sweden
Direct Beneficiaries: 1000 (Households)
Indirect Beneficiaries: 4000
Total Beneficiaries: 5000
Project Duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026
Total Budget: BDT 3,67,50,111.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 25/09/2022
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No.: 03.07.0000.657.68.07.22-725
Project Goal:
Coastal communities’ right to safety from natural disasters is enhanced by creating capacitated institutions and economic resilience.
Key Activities:
Conduct group meetings with group members
Identify and select the participants within the groups
Consult with group members for Group Development Committee (GDC) formation and management
Open Bank Accounts
Conduct meeting bi-weekly with the Disaster Resilience Group (DRG- Women Group) and collect savings
Arrange an advocacy meeting with Union Parishad
Conduct awareness training on need-based issues for the group members
Arrange need-based IGA training for the beneficiaries
Check the IGA records and monitor the livelihood performance
Arrange a training workshop on couple relations (Family planning, Family Peace & Conflict Resolution, Women and Child Rights, Violence Against Women and Children, etc.)
Arrange training follow-up meetings with the group beneficiaries
Attend the different meetings at the community level by other NGOs or govt.
Conduct training on disaster preparedness at the group level
Organize the quarterly meeting for the Union Platform
Communicate with local government administration and enhance linkage for govt. partnership
Organize training on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Early Warning (EW), Primary health care, etc for UDMC/Union Platform
Monitor the programs
Follow-up visit quarterly in the project phase-out area
Invite DMC, UP authorities, community, and Upazila administration.
Organize an exit conference meeting.
Conduct an audit of Project Finance.
Project Description:
ADRA Bangladesh Program proposes this new intervention as a continuation of the Enhancing Community Resilience Project (MH 17:401 June 2017-June 2018) which focused on building up the capacity of local people and strengthening the local structures. The project equips and empowers locals against natural hazards and poverty. As the project period is approaching its end, this application proposes a new project phase from July 2018-December 2019, a period of 18 months that will focus on the continuation of strengthening the resilience and building up the capacity for the empowerment of the local people of Tildanga Union.
The Community Empowerment Project in Khulna undertakes similar activities to those in Mymensingh and Manikganj. However, the project in Khulna has additional activities on disaster preparedness and climate change.
The project is working closely with the local disaster management committees at the community level to prepare them for the disasters. A community risk assessment was conducted in the target area as part of the project activity. A risk and resource map was developed and displayed in the public space to raise awareness among the community people. The project repairs some roads and builds a new bamboo bridge through the cooperation of the disaster management committees (DMC) and CBOs. Besides, a total of 97 community farmers applied the SRI method for producing rice in 2022. A total of 146 CBO members are involved in income-generating activities. A total of 1,000 CBO members received awareness training on how to protect themselves from various disasters.
Story Lab

A Housewife's Successful Journey towards Entrepreneurship

A Farmer's Journey with SRI Method: Boosting Crop Productivity and Income
From Waste to Wealth: How Vermicompost Helps Bikash Generate Income!
A Thread of Hope: Purnima's Journey to Financial Solvency