World Water Day 2022 and Its Significance
World Water Day is observed on March 22 every year. Water Day is an annual event that looks at the global issues surrounding access to clean, safe drinking water and sanitation. People and organizations mark World Water Day every year by acting to tackle the water crisis in diverse ways. Water is one of the necessities for every living being on this planet.
World Water Day will focus on the theme, “Groundwater, making the invisible visible” this year. The aim of the day is to motivate people around the world to learn more about water-related issues and to act to make a difference. This 2022, the focus is groundwater, an invisible resource with an impact visible everywhere. Relevant issues include water scarcity, water pollution, inadequate water supply, lack of sanitation, and the impacts of climate change that are looked upon on this day.
Formally the idea of World Water Day was a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly conference on Environmental and Development in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. It was then that the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution stating that every year, March 22 will be marked as World Water Day starting 1993.
While saltwater, which makes up most of the water on the planet, is not readily fit for human intake, 99% of consumable freshwater is groundwater which has the advantage of being of high quality and requires very low levels of treatment.
Water is one of the prime necessities of human beings. We cannot live without water. Over 70% of the earth is covered with water and 96.5% of Earth’s water is in oceans, but only a small amount of water is drinkable. The rising industrialism and other human activities have polluted the water. World Water Day focuses on the importance of water and its conservation.
Water is one of the key requirements for human beings and it should be used sensibly. World Water Day is celebrated to spread consciousness about the significance of water and the inevitability of its conservation.