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Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Helps Reducing Poverty in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh

There are a number of farmers in the rural areas of Bangladesh who have small pieces of land and they don’t know how to utilize their fellow lands. But by using this land they can change their destiny. ADRA Bangladesh is assisting and encouraging farmers to adopt modern agrarian technologies and innovative methods of cultivation for decades.

Nasima Begum a poor housewife lives in Damgaw village under Gouripur Upazila of Mymensingh district. Her husband Abdul Jolil Mia is a poor farmer. They’re struggling to run a family comprised of five members including three sons.

Nasima has 100 decimals of cultivable lands but she doesn’t know how to cultivate and grow crops on it following the modern agrarian method. Thus, she can’t utilize her lands properly.

Nasima was inclined to alleviate poverty from her family and wanted to lead a life in peace. She joined Community Empowerment Project (CEP) – Gouripur, Mymensingh of ADRA Bangladesh with the help of ADRA Bangladesh field staff.

“After getting enrolled in the group, I started depositing money into my savings scheme. I’ve got the opportunity to receive training on Vermicompost. After I accomplish the training, I’ve got a ring from the project authority for preparing Vermicompost,” Nasima was explicating her experience after joining ADRA Bangladesh.

Nasima produced 40 kg of Vermicompost and sold that to her neighbors at Tk 400.00. Later, she bought two rings with that money, and she set up three sets of rings to prepare Vermicompost. Now, she can produce 70-80 kg of Vermicompost per month.

“I’ve learned Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) method which can yield 2x better production than the contemporary method. Now, I’m applying the CSA method on my fellow lands especially on my courtyard and dike. I’m getting optimal production of vegetables by applying the CSA method on my lands,” Nasima was describing confidently.

Now, Nasima is producing a wide variety of vegetables e.g. Pumpkin, Bitter Gourd, Gourd, Cowpea using organic methods, and selling them in the local market. She is earning a good sum of money each season. This season Nasima sold vegetables worth Tk. 50,000.00.

“At present, I’m able to support my family financially. I’ve achieved financial emancipation with the help of ADRA Bangladesh. Now, my children are going to school and continue their education, and I’m able to fulfill their basic needs,” Nasima said thankfully.

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