1year - Rohingya SM Campaign

This week will mark the passing of a year since the start of the Rohingya refugee crisis. Approximately one million Rohingya refugees are in Bangladesh and the situation remains dire.
Families are crowded into inadequate, unstable shelters. The tarps are not always strong enough to resist the heavy rains that arrive during the monsoons. Thousands are at serious risk from mudslides and flooding.
With your help, ADRA and its partners are constructing new, long-lasting shelters to withstand these conditions. Made with bamboo and plastic, these shelters are sturdy, spacious, and have proper ventilation. These shelters are also built with two rooms to provide privacy.
Your support is helping the Rohingya to find safe shelter.

The heavy downpours of monsoon season have worsened the living conditions of the Rohingya who fled to Bangladesh a year ago. Travel is difficult as the floods turn the dirt roads that crisscross each camp to mud and steep hillside paths are washed away by the heavy rains.
ADRA Canada is working with the residents to build stairways and pathways to make the camps safer for everyone, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. These measures also lower the risk of disease as the people are now able to walk without wading through contaminated water.
Your support is helping to make life a little bit easier for those affected by this crisis.

The current Rohingya crisis began on August 25, 2017 when refugees began to cross the Bangladesh border into the region of Cox’s Bazaar. The crisis was unexpected and the local government and non-profit organizations were not prepared for the influx of people.
The area dedicated to the Rohingya was undeveloped and basic needs like safe water and waste disposal were unavailable.
ADRA and its partners are working to reduce the risk of water borne diseases by providing awareness sessions and hygiene supplies.
Your support is helping these families to be healthier.

When the Rohingya fled, they left behind not just their homes, but also their livelihoods. Being dependent on the generosity of others has been a difficult experience for many. ADRA has been offering work opportunities building roads, shelters, stairways, and distributing food to help families to provide for themselves.
Your support is helping others to regain some independence.

When the Rohingya crossed the border in August 2017 food was scarce. Those who arrived were hungry, malnourished, and desperate to feed their families. In partnership with other ADRA offices and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, ADRA Canada is providing monthly food rations including lentils, oil, and salt.
Your support is saving lives.

Today marks an anniversary that most would like to forget. On August 25, 2017 thousands of the Rohingya began streaming across the border into Bangladesh.
Conditions in the refugee camps have improved, but life is not easy for the hundreds of thousands who face an uncertain future. They dream of one day returning to their homes, but acknowledge that they may need to remain in Bangladesh indefinitely.
ADRA and our partners continue to work to provide life-saving aid, including food, shelter, road construction, basic necessities, and health sessions.
Those being helped are truly grateful for your support.