Social Integration for Street Children Development Project (SISCDP)
Location: 59 Strand Road, Rupsha, Khulna
Donor: ADRA International
Direct Beneficiaries: 60 Children
Total Beneficiaries: 60 Children
Project Funds: BDT 32,63,400
Project Duration: 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015
Project Goal:
Improve the living conditions and nutrition status of street children of Khulna and knowledge on primary health practices by providing health education and nutrition activities.
Key Activities:
Baseline survey for selection and enrollment.
Setup Recreation Centre.
Health care & clinical support
Provide Nutritional meal
Conducting Health Awareness Session
Conducting Cooking demonstration
Health check-up by the doctor
Focus, Forum group meeting & parents meeting
Project Description:
In Khulna, Social Integration for Street Children Development project is being implemented by ADRA Bangladesh in the area as the pilot basis and funded by ADRA International. The children that are targeted by this project are those who are deprived of their basic needs and are struggling to meet their nutritional needs. Sixty poor working children have been admitted to this center. The period of the project implementation is July 14 to December 14(According to FD-6).
The goal of the project is to improve the education, health, economic and living conditions and to create an environment for street children of Khulna to be integrated into society. Specific objectives of the goal are too, 1. Improve the living conditions and nutrition status of street children of Khulna and knowledge on primary health practices by providing health education and nutrition activities, 2. Improve the educational level of the street children of Khulna through informal education classes, and 3. Enhance awareness parents/guardians on child rights through informal workshop discussion and improve vocational skills of street children increasing future income generating activity opportunities (this is for a long-term perspective).
During the reporting period the project provided nutritional food, conducted education session and health awareness sessions, checked up children health and treated through project Doctor and provide medicine to the children in every month, organized parents meeting and mother forum meeting, held Cooking demonstration for children and also for mothers, make good relationship with Govt. offices, NGO and public education etc. The project has found that as a result of attending the sessions in the center, the children are washing their hands properly after using the toilet, growing eagerness on education, the eagerness of cleanliness, as the community and family reports. They are also sharing the messages with the family. It is obvious that their growth increased. Children’s mothers are now seen more informed about their children’s health. Project children are polite now. They are going to School regularly and doing better than other students. Children sat for Annual exam. Project children have made a good result and stood first and 2ndin their class. Two of the project children sat for P.S.C. examination and passed. They are in high school now. Project has made good relationship with parents. Project visited children’s working place also.