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Social Integration for Slum Children Development Project (SISCDP)



Mymensingh Sadar, Ward # 8, 9, 18, 19-New Colony, Location: Krishtopur, Abason, Ralimor, Kashem Ali College, Gudaraghat and Duldul Camp.

Donor: Läkarmissionen, Sweden

Direct Beneficiaries: 180 Children and 120 Mothers

Total Beneficiaries: 990

Project Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020 

Total Budget: 27,178,060.00

NGO Bureau Approval Date: 27/03/2018

NGO Bureau  Approval Reference No. : 03.07.2666.657.68.33.18-


Project Goal:


Reduce poverty by promoting child rights in the vulnerable community in Bangladesh.



Key Activities:


  • Education program for children (Conduct preparatory and coaching session) 

  • Provide education materials

  • Provide nutrition food for children

  • Health support for children and mothers  

  • Aware of hygiene, nutrition, rights, and adult literacy

  • Provide training on IGA/VET  

  • Input contribution on VET

  • Savings for children future education



Project Description:


Social Integration for Slum Children Development Project (SISCDP) is a continuation of the Children Center in Mymensingh, a project that was funded by Läkarmissionen, Sweden. The project is aimed to improve slum children’s educational and health environments. ADRA Bangladesh implementing this project with coordination and support from the local stakeholders as well as active participation of the communities.

Story Lab

The Story of Jeba: Poverty Could Not Stop Her Studies
The Story of Jeba: Poverty Could Not Stop Her Studies
Education Has Enlighten Juthy’s Life
Education Has Enlighten Juthy’s Life


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