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Community Empowerment Project (CEP) is Changing Lives across the Country

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA defines economic development as the sustained increased capacity of individuals and empowering communities to obtain goods and services and general improvement in living standards.

In terms of empowering the community, ADRA in Bangladesh selected three different areas of Bangladesh where people are living in vulnerable conditions in the sense of environmental and economic crisis. ADRA is operating its Community Empowerment Project (CEP) in Mymensingh, Maninkganj, and Khulna districts.

ADRA covers around 40,000 people among those three districts by assessing their livelihood and they’re found as the most vulnerable in the community. ADRA is empowering people in many ways which helps the vulnerable community people to improve their financial condition and lead a healthy life.

ADRA provides various types of Income Generating Activity (IGA) training for its beneficiaries. Backing them up by providing modern agrarian technology, ADRA brings out a massive change in the agrarian sector of the rural areas of Bangladesh. ADRA inaugurated Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) method which gains popularity in the targeted areas. By adopting the CSA method homemakers in the rural areas have invented themselves as entrepreneurs.

Apart from this, ADRA brings out a revolutionary change in the sense of producing organic vegetables. ADRA helps peasant communities by providing training on how to use organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer. ADRA has provided training and encourages farmers to use Vermicompost for growing vegetables. Vermicompost gains popularity as it is less expansive and eco-friendly. Farmers are very happy to get a better price by selling organic vegetables in the local markets. ADRA is helping farmers by expanding the market channels so the farmers can sell their vegetables with ease.

Community Empowerment Project (CEP) has become a blessing among the community people as they’re getting benefited by this project in many aspects. The dedicated CEP family is working tirelessly for the betterment of the community people in its area.

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