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Cyclone Amphan Inflicts Destruction in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh

Amphan, the most powerful cyclone which inflicts destruction in the coastal areas of Bangladesh with wind speeds of 160 kph (100 mph), made landfall on May 20 in the southwestern districts. Thousands of houses were devastated, poultry farms were demolished, thousands of trees uprooted, roads were obstructed, and innumerable shelters were lost.

For Provati Gain, the reality of the cyclone hit her family hardest when she lost her home and forced to live in her neighbors’ house.

Provati Gain and her husband Krishno Gain is a fisherman by profession who are residing in the village called Kaminibashia in Dacope Upazila of Khulna district. Kaminibashia is a village located in the very remote area of the coastal lines of Bangladesh.

“Prior to the cyclone, we were suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We couldn’t eat three meals daily as we lost our livelihood. Cyclone Amphan has ruined my life. It has broken my dreams into pieces. I’ve lost my house in the cyclone. I’ve become helpless,” says Provati a mother of three daughters.

“Now, we can’t cook food as we don’t have safe water around us. Our torments knew no bounds. I’ve never faced such a hardship in my life,” Provati was describing her torments as she’s experiencing due to the catastrophe.

Moreover, the plight of health and hygiene is no good in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Social distancing is a luxury where people are living under the open sky.

Like Provati, many in the coastal areas of Bangladesh are combatting to rebuild their shelters and they need it most.

“I’m drowning into despair by thinking of how can I rebuild my house. I have no income for the last couple of months. I don’t have money to rebuild my house. We are living a very inhuman life here,” Provati was unfolding her challenges in terms of rebuilding her house.

Now, those most disturbed in the community depend on food, water, and shelter to survive. ADRA is working meticulously with the local government and assorted organizations to provide ongoing aid relief.

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