Empowering Flood Prone Poor Community Project (EFPPCP)
Location: High School Road, Upazila Sador, Daulatpur, Manikganj- 1860
Donor: ADRA Sweden
Direct Beneficiaries: 900 Household
Total Beneficiaries: 900 Household
Project Duration: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018
Total Budget: 28,220,000.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 26/05/2016
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No.: 03.09.0000.657.68.412.15-269
Project Goal:
Flood-prone poor communities’ resilience is strengthened against the hydro-meteorological event in Manikganj.
Key Activities:
Weekly Health awareness session
Half yearly community awareness event
Promote sand charcoal filter
Intensive training for selected participants
Community Celebration for Nutrition
Form a community volunteer group (follow-up)
Training on new agriculture technology
Promote an appropriate crop/vegetable variety
Disseminate Vermicompost/Follow-up
Train community vaccinator
Training on Seed selection and preservation
Training SRI Method
Linkage with Government department and service provider
Observe related national and international days
Register of Boards/Federation
Organize Community volunteer for early warning dissemination
Project Description:
Manikganj is a district in the central region of the country with the major river cutting through it. It comprises an area of 1,383.66 km (534.23 sq mi), bounded by Tangail District on the north, Dhaka District on the east, Faridpur and Dhaka districts on the south, the rivers Padma, Jamuna and the districts of Pabna and Rajbari on the west. The main rivers are the Padma, Jamuna, Dhaleshwari, Ichamati, and Kaliganga. Manikgonj is more vulnerable to various natural disasters. For these rivers, Flood and Riverbank erosion is a common phenomenon of this area. Manikganj District has a population of 1,274,829; 51.16% male and 48.84% female; the population density is 2582. Among the peasants, landless 23%, marginal peasant 29%, small peasant 25%, intermediate 18% and 5% rich. Average literacy is 26.9% (male 33.7% and female 20.1%). Manikganj had been selected as the work area because the area frequently affected by the flood. Most of the people of this area are vulnerable to flood and experiencing loss due to flood.
This proposed intervention should contribute to the communities to be resilient against the flood. Awareness on how to be prepared for the flood, having communities’ volunteers to help them in times of need, having demonstrations of marketplace being raised, and demonstrated household raised towards motivation about lasting protection to keep their livelihood continuing. Raised households and pathways build or repaired will be protected by tree plantation.
The district is identified as one of the poorest, and most vulnerable to flooding. The current location has been so far successful in getting organized in committees to mitigate flood effects, get trained in some areas, inspired in savings, as well as built up group commonality. The target group needs more nurturing to be capacitated for institutionalization and further development and sustain. As the community has positively responded to the project intervention and themselves have identified the needs that can be dealt with in the coming phase of the project, the needs are the reflection of their thoughts. The current need assessment has been through random visits by staff to the relevant parties including communities and intensive sessions with Project staff to define the community needs. This intervention will be building the capacity of the male and female to diversify opportunities. Vocational education and input to start small IGA will help them to have a sustainable income source for the household.
The most crucial needs in the community or geographical location are health, agriculture, education, economy, and natural hazard as well as sanitation and hygiene that mostly arise from the flood. These altogether impact the social aspects of the community.