Chalantika Mother & Child Development Project (CMCDP)
Location: Mirpur-7, Chalantika Slum Area, Mirpur, Dhaka.
Donor: Läkarmissionen (Sweden)
Direct Beneficiaries: Children: 170, Mother: 120
Total Beneficiaries: 855
Project Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020
Total Budget: 90,560,47.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 10/04/2018
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No. : 03.09.2666.657.68.38.18-163
Project Goal:
Reduce poverty by promoting child rights of the vulnerable community in Bangladesh.
Key Activities:
Conduct baseline survey
Selection and enroll new children
Conduct preparatory session for centered children
Cantered children received educational materials
Conduct coaching session for external support children
External support children received educational materials
Children receive Uniforms and shoes
Organize parents meeting
Enroll children in public school
Develop linkage with the educational institute
Organize yearly picnic/retreat & sports for children.
Children receive health checkup and clinical support
Growth monitoring for centered children in every six months
Basic health support for mother with special cases
Community nutrition festival
Organize 08 mother groups
Hold health session to mother
Hold adult literacy session to mothers
Established one parent's forum
Parents forum meeting
Conduct an issue-based workshop for beneficiaries
Day observation
Relation build up with legal aid organization GO/NGO’s
Establish one community support group
Organize result sharing workshop for CSG
Mothers are involved in children savings
Selected family members receive VET/IGA
Trained family members receive IGA input contribution
IGA follow-up for family members
Linkage with entrepreneurs/technical school for VET establishment
Organizing an event on linkage development for VET promotion
Project Description:
The primary focus of the proposed intervention is children development with significant attention to education, harmonizing with basic health and nutrition as well as parents’ economic growth that is aimed at sustaining the impact. This altogether will contribute to the children’s holistic growth, protection of rights, and development. The project presents a balanced support plan for the beneficiaries throughout the project tenure. All of the three areas of development chain—social care, education and training, and self-sufficiency are addressed in the proposed project.
The Chalantika slum is settled in an unsafe and unhygienic setting and consists of houses built on bamboo scaffolds set-up on the uneven wet swamp-like landscape. Proper housing, adequate sanitation, and sewerage system, as well as sufficient safe water supply, are dreadfully missing here. Most families live in 7x8 feet to 10x12 feet houses. According to a survey conducted in 100 households prior to the onset of the center, ADRA Bangladesh found that the average monthly income of surveyed families was around 5,750 Taka (65 EUR; 2.1 EUR per family per day). Most surveyed children had not received prior schooling opportunities because their caregivers did not earn enough to afford all costs associated with school attendance. Aside from education, poor health, water, sanitation and the overall living environment in this slum has also been noted.
The project area was selected in 2010 through small nutrition projects. Now there are two projects with somewhat similar objectives in two parts of the slum. ADRA Czech Republic and Czech Embassy in Delhi support one, the other is supported by Lakarmissionen. The community has accepted the projects and participating happily. Donors have visited the area and have an understanding of the need and achievements. It is expected that the efforts from the project is successful by the end of the tenure and sustains the results as projected.