Critical Emergency Assistance to Rohingya Refugees (CEARR-1)
Location: Ukhia, Palangkhali, Cox's Bazar
Donor: ADRA Canada
Direct Beneficiaries: 32693
Total Beneficiaries: 32693
Project Duration: 01/04/2018 - 30/09/2018
Total Budget: 46,171,943.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 08/04/2018
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No. : 03.09.2666.657.69.58.2018-157
Project Duration: 01/10/2018 - 30/03/2019
Total Budget: 7,167,837.00
NGO Bureau Approval Date: 18/10/2018
NGO Bureau Approval Reference No. : 03.09.2666.657.657.69.145.18-563
Project Goal:
Reduced suffering, maintained human dignity and lives saved among conflict‐affected Rohingya refugees, particularly women and girls with children under‐5, girls and boys, elderly and persons with special needs (PSNs) in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh.
Key Activities:
Conduct baseline survey
Prepare detailed Implementation Planning; establish the monitoring system
Recruit, hire and orient staff
Evaluate as required: baseline, midline review, end of the project.
Undertake gender-sensitive consultations in settlements regarding shelter and NFI needs
Facilitate community‐organized assistance for vulnerable HH
Orient blocks of HH to shelter design and date of delivery and sharing of materials and tools.
Organize and distribute materials and provide oversight to HH and volunteers.
Undertake gender-sensitive consultations in settlements re-located shelters on the need for site improvement work like earthen link road, proper drainage, pathways etc.
Consultation with the organization responsible for site improvement & the CiC on the work to be undertaken
Conduct a survey, identify the suitable site and engage refugees from the work site to implement the site improvement work through Cash for Work
Conduct the post‐construction survey to get feedback for future work.
Community consultations with women & men; engagement of men, especially influencers
Selection of CGV by women in blocks of 15 shelters; training of CGV
Weekly meetings between CGV with women in their assigned HHs to share key hygiene promotion messages
Reproduction and use of IEC materials
Establish physical CFSs.
Work with Child Protection Sub‐Sector to identify geographical needs using 4W
Develop, operationalize and monitor plans
Recruit volunteers.
Train CFS staff and volunteers
Provide follow‐up supervision on on‐the‐job mentoring and training
Provide specialized and/or referral services
Adapt participatory M&E tools, and conduct studies/monitoring/evaluation
Agree on feedback mechanism with community & share feedback accordingly
Work with GBV Sub‐Sector to identify geographical needs using 4W
Adapt participatory M&E tools, and conduct studies/monitoring/evaluation
Facilitate the formation of Men’s Watch Groups
Train and raise awareness on GE benefits, women’s rights, SGBV prevention, and protection; supervise & support