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Capacity Building of Farmers Family (CBFF) Project


Location: Laheripara, Mohilla College Gate, Main Road, 1 No. Ward, Upazilla: Fulbaria, District:  Mymensingh

Donor: Läkarmissionen (Sweden)

Direct Beneficiaries: 1000 Households (500 Male and 500 Female)

Indirect Beneficiaries: 6800 Beneficiaries and 1000 Beneficiaries in the Follow-up Areas

Total Beneficiaries: 8800

Project Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020

Total Budget: 20,631,520.00

NGO Bureau Approval Date: 24/04/2018

NGO Bureau  Approval Reference No. : 03.09.2666.657.68.30.2018-155



Project Goal: 

To alleviate poverty by improving the socio-economic conditions in Bangladesh.



Key Activities:


  • Refresher and orientation on SRI

  • Provide training on new agricultural technology

  • Set up staffs Research plot

  • Training on modern fish culture

  • Seed production and preservation training

  • Conduct Training organic fertilizer

  • Arrange training on crop marketing process

  • Arrange workshop with market growers/vender

  • Arrange the workshop on farmer association

  • Organize result sharing events

  • Continue loan activity.

  • Provide Training on particular Income Generating Activities

  • Arrange training different IGAs

  • Organize intensive literacy for advance beneficiaries

  • Arrange training for the future leader

  • Conduct child nutrition awareness session and weight

  • Organize community nutrition celebration events and health camps.

  • Arrange cross visit

  • Observed different days

  • Arrange training for social volunteers

  • Management training for MC and Board

  • Arrange quarterly MC & board meeting

  • Organize the annual meeting

  • Organize the workshop to develop the Exit strategy



Project Description:


The proposed intervention is the continuation of a project that has been funded by the donor for the period 2008 to date in two different set-ups. First, in two Union Councils (administrative unit) of Putijana and Kushmile, under the Sub-district of Fulbaria in Mymensingh District. There the project has built community-based organizations, whose capacity has been built skill-wise and economically. They are trained to run small businesses, save and loan from their organizations, help each other as members of the community. These organizations, first in small groups of 25 women, then in Boards (groups combined), and finally they running these Boards on their own, with partial support from the project till now. They are running and are almost independent in terms of finance and governance. Second, while the first set-up has matured, a second replication of the project has been extended to the neighboring Balian Union Council area since 2015. The first three years have passed for this second or new phase successfully. This Balian is the area of the proposed intervention.


The proposed project intends to move a step forward and continue to enhance the capacity of participating families through in an integrated manner in four objectives, which will train them to practice enhanced agriculture and benefit from it; other non-farm earning opportunities and skills will be introduced to the beneficiaries so that subsistence dependency on agriculture reduces and further earning is ensured in combined efforts and diverse income-generating skills; making them aware of the rights and linked to duty bearers as well as being functionally literate and able to manage own business; and finally learning to feel ownership of the small community-based organizations they have formed under project facilitation, save, manage and lead them through practice and confidence-building year by year.


As the project aims to build the capacity of the farmer families, the first step is to give provide them with functional literacy sources in a group approach. The functional literacy sessions open to the beneficiaries to a world of new hopes and opportunities. Other interventions will continue and gradually the project will work on skills development and increased knowledge on new and appropriate agricultural and fisheries techniques. The project will focus on capacity development on income-generating activities through savings and microcredit initiatives of the groups. The group members have started saving and being trained to manage the savings and credit on their own. This initiative will combine and enhance the cooperation of husband and wife at the household level. To have constant earning for the family both of them must be engaged in earning and in decision-making. Women will be engaged in saving while husband will enhance their skills in agriculture.


To enhance the capacity of husband and wife different training will be provided with the help of experts. The beneficiaries will receive income-generating activities training. It will help them strengthen economically. After completion of the training successfully the beneficiaries will receive assistance from the project as well as their contribution to start a fitting income-generating activity, which may be non-farm. Women will also be engaged in adult literacy and men how to save their seed for next season. Cross visit will be giving opportunities to women to access public services and for men's ideas of different new technology.


The project presents a balanced support plan for the beneficiaries throughout the project tenure. All of the three areas of Läkarmissionen advocated development chain—social care, education and training, and self-sufficiency are addressed in the proposed project.

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Capacity Building of Farmers Family (CBFF) Project Helps Transforming Lives

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