Oct 16, 2020
World Food Day 2020
World Food Day is annually held on October 16 to commemorate the founding of the United Nations' (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization...

Aug 15, 2020
ADRA’s Contribution to Food Security in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has great potential for agriculture-led growth and food security. Nearly half of all Bangladeshis are employed in agriculture....

May 12, 2020
Multiple-Cropping Can Boost up the Food Supply in the Market
Badsha Sek, a 42-years-old farmer has become the model farmers in the village called Amtili under the Union of Jionpur in the Daulatpur...

Jan 17, 2020
The scenario of Food Security in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects,...