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Income-Generating Activities (IGAs) are Transforming Lives in Manikganj

“I had to leave my school when I was attending class V due to the financial crisis. From childhood, I engaged in daily labor to support the family.” Md. Kashem Ali, a-45-year-oldman was telling with a pale face.

Kashem lives in Ulail village in Kalia Union of Daulatpur Upazila in Manikganj district. He married Shahnaz Akhtar five years ago. His wife is a member of Dol No. 1 in Ulail village in Kalia Union. Kashem is a male counterpart of that group.

“I had no cultivable lands except the two decimals of land where I built my house to live with. I went to Dhaka with a neighbor to work in a book-binding factory for a small amount of money. There, I worked day and night, and I could earn only BDT 4,000 per month. I used to send a small amount of money to my family that was not enough for them. Suddenly, I became sick and returned to my home and started an unemployed life.” Kashem was unfolding his struggles.

In 2019, when the Community Empowerment Project (CEP) staff of ADRA Bangladesh went to form a group in the village, Shahnaz Akhtar enrolled as a member of the respective group. After getting the membership, she started to deposit savings into the group. She used to participate in group fortnightly sessions regarding various Income-Generating Activities (IGAs).

“I used to discuss the group activities with my husband. One day, we planned to get a loan from the group and start a fruit-selling business in our village. My husband agreed to my proposal. We took a loan of BDT 10,000 from my group. But that particular amount of money was not sufficient to start the business. Then I added my savings of BDT 5,000 to the loan amount and borrowed BDT 3,000 from my sister. So, we could manage BDT 18,000 and start the business.” Shahnaz was describing their ventures.

At present, Kashem is earning BDT 500-600 per day. So, his monthly average earning is BDT 15,000-18,000. His current working capital is BDT 50,000. Kashem is very happy now as he has obtained financial solvency.

“I hope other helpless members of the group will get benefit from the project as well. I intend to expand my business and help others by creating job opportunities. I’m grateful to the Community Empowerment Project (CEP) of ADRA Bangladesh transforms my life.” Kashem showed gratitude towards ADRA Bangladesh.

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